If you're wondering how to celebrate Canada Day this year, we have 3 great ideas for you
Attend a Citizenship Ceremony
Each year on Canada Day, thousands of immigrants across Canada are sworn in as Canada’s newest citizens. You can attend one of those parades to celebrate becoming a Canadian by witnessing one of these emotional celebrations. You can also reaffirm your own citizenship if you are a Canadian citizen. Find a citizenship ceremony near you here
Have a barbeque or potluck party
You can invite your friends and family over for a backyard barbeque or host a potluck party. The menu could consist of a fun combination of stereotypical Canadian foods or dishes with a touch of African.
On a beach
Yes! Thank God for beaches! The weather this weekend has been predicted to be very warm. Sprawling out on the sand at the beach to read a good book is all it takes to make a great day some time.
Happy Canada Day!
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